Thank you for taking the time to look at my website, I guess you’re here because you want to know more about me. Well here we go:
I'm Julie, I'm Neurodivergent, I have dyslexia and ADHD, I'm probably Autistic too, but I'm happy to not explore any more diagnoses at present. I'm a qualified Youth worker BA-Hons, Coach, Parent advisor, Reiki Healer, trainee Counsellor and I'm Trauma informed.
I have a wide range of skills which means I am very good at connecting with people. I'm generally an optimist, I love nature, art, music, singing, driving through the countryside, camping, being with animals, watching telly - a good Netflix series I can binge-watch snuggled on the sofa and good food.
My core beliefs are, to be honest, kind, accepting, non-judgemental, have good boundaries and I'm always working towards being the best version of me.
I’ve been working in Witney, Carterton and the villages of West Oxfordshire for about 25 years now in a variation of roles. I have predominantly been working with young people and teenagers and their families in a supportive role.
Over the years I have supported Adults and Young People through a number of difficulties. I have worked with people who have experienced bereavement and loss, family break ups, school refusal, eating disorders, anxiety, Young People in the care system, victims of rape and sexual assault, minor substance misuse, healthy relationships, homelessness, neurodivergence and more.
Back in 2019 during Covid hit I was diagnosed ADHD. This was life-changing for me because it meant that I had an explanation for some of the difficulties I had experienced throughout my life. Since my diagnosis, I have been working hard to understand my Neurodivergence 'quirks' my needs, and my idiosyncrasies. I have done hours and hours of research about what being Neurodivergent means, what my needs are, and what other people may experience who have a similar diagnosis.
Having a late diagnosis has come with its positives and negatives. Grieving what could’ve been, had I been diagnosed earlier, and the joy at being given the opportunity to have a new fresh start and gain the understanding I need to make my life whole.
Throughout my research, I kept coming across a huge gap, I noticed that people were given diagnoses of neurodivergence, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia etc, but no-one was offering support on what that actually really means. I noticed that people were labelled, sometimes medicated and then left by services. There was no explanation, no coaching, no signposting to services who might be able to help them make sense of their individual Neurodivergent needs.
In my face-to-face work, I also noticed that people were being left to make sense of their Neurodivergence with little or no support, and this was leading to feelings of shame, difference and isolation. This inspired me to want to help people with this, so I started working with people to help them map and discover their needs their strengths, and to make sense of their individual Neurodivergent world.
If you have any questions about my experience please do contact me. I am always open to having conversations, to see if I am the right person for you.
Thank you
My Story

Qualifications & Training
Degree Qualifications
BA Hons Youth and Community Work 2:1- 2012
Current Training
I am Currently studying a Level 5- Professional Diploma In Psychotherapeutic Counselling Practice Course
Previous Training & Qualifications
A Relational Approach to Trauma Informed Care -2023
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training level 3 -2023
Take 3 Parenting Facilitator -2021
Emergency First Aid at Work Level 3 -2022
Pivotal Behaviour management -2018
Domestic Violence Champion Training -2010
Safe Guarding -2010
Family Links Facilitators Training -2009
Strengthening Families Facilitators -2009
Parent Work level1 & 2 -2009
CAF & TAC Awareness -2008
Sex In The City -2005
Drugs in the 21st Century -2005
City & Guilds - VRQ Level 3 Community Mental Health -2004