How Was Your Experience?
What people say about working with me!
Julie has helped me develop and become more confident and comfortable within myself, she has also helped me figure out how I was feeling about things happening in my life while also learning ways to cope.
Julie has helped me with my confidence and self image and she also helped me learn that I can be open and honest with how I'm feeling and I learnt that there are people that I could talk to. Julie also pushed and encouraged me to believe in myself and helped me believe that I could actually do the things that I wanted to do, this helped me realise my potential and now I am currently doing the things I never would have had confidence or opportunity to do before.
I believe if I didn't have Julie to talk to then I most likely wouldn't have ended up figuring out what I wanted to do after leaving secondary school and also most likely would not have ended up applying for the current course I'm doing at college.
I found it difficult at the start to open up and start actually talking about how I was feeling, when I did finally open up it was relieving and made me feel better within myself that I spoke about how I was feeling, Julie also helped me find different and safer ways to cope.
Julie is very open, understanding and funny, this helped me feel more comfortable to be able to open up and discuss what was going on within my life, she is also very easy to speak to and get along with so being able to talk felt like it just came naturally.
Young Person
Julie has helped me to grow and achieve things I didn't think I could. Mentoring has taught me a lot of important things that has helped me a lot throughout the years, it has also helped me move on and heal from my past and helped me get through things I was struggling with. Julie has helped me with my mental health, friendships and relationships, she also helped me recognise the difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy relationship. Mentoring with Julie has also given me the courage to build my confidence and try new things. I don't think I would be where I am currently if I didn't have mentoring, it's helped me so much especially helping me attend school when I was struggling. In my opinion mentoring with Julie is great for young people who need someone to get advice from, help them or even just have someone to talk to. Julie helped me a lot and I think others should try her services. I think what was really important was being able to trust Julie. This helped me speak more openly and I knew that I could talk about anything and knew I could trust Julie with that information.
Young Person
1, How has mentoring impacted your Young Person? (what changes have you seen)
Massively. Feels listened to. Seems happier and more confident. More accepting of herself.
2, What qualities and skills does Julie have that you think has helped your Young Person?
Very knowledgeable and in tune with my teenager. Fantastic listener, approachable, good problem solver, breaks everything down so it’s easier to understand.
3, Could you tell us more about how you found the communication with Julie ie; helpful, polite, offered support to you as a parent/ Carer etc
Extremely helpful, caring, reassuring, felt supported too. I feel that I am listened to, and Julie always has time to answer any of my questions.
4, How has your Young Persons mentoring affected other members of the family, including yourself.
Greatly. As she is able to understand herself more, she is less angry/ stressed which has improved the atmosphere in the house. I am also feeling more able to support her as my understanding of her needs has grown to as a consequence of her mentoring and the support shown to me too.
5, Could tell us about what you think the long-term impact on your Young Person and your family is as a result of the mentoring they have received;
My Childs mental health was really poor. She was angry and sad for a variety of reasons. The ongoing mentoring has had an enormous impact. She has learnt a lot about herself and why she is the way she is. The mentoring has helped her to process a lot of the feelings she was experiencing about her relationship with her Dad. She knows that Julie will always listen to her, and give advice/ suggestions/ strategies to help her through. A lot of support was given about the possibility of being on the autism spectrum. Julie really helped her to understand about her autistic traits and how to manage them in different scenarios/ everyday life. The long term impact is priceless in my opinion, as what she has learnt through Julie will stay with her as she goes through adulthood. A huge thank you Julie.
5, Would you recommend Julie’s mentoring service to other's if so why?
100% ABSOLUTELY! Have done already. For the great, supportive work she does for our young people.
6, Anything else?
Massive thank you for being there when our young people need you.